
Lovely Karan People

Do u know any Karan people, one of ethnic groups of Burma? I have met some of them in my life & have good communication with them. I found them charming, honest and sincere. One is my patient whom I met them at my clinic. I knew her as A-moe & I still don't know her real name. She is about 80 years old. I became friend with her after several visit to my clinic. She doesn't know how to speak Burmese language and needs her children to interpret for her. She always speaks and thinks in simple way and for that reason I love her. I also met many Karen people while I was posted to Irrawaddy Division. All are honest and simple. In my opinion, we all live and share the same land. If all the ethnic groups including Bama work together for the development of our country, our country will sure get success and development. We need not to think which ethnic group is major or which is minor. I can't understand why those who govern the country think only of Bama and suppress other

Condition of Healthcare at present days

If u want to know the condition of healthcare in Burma, continue to read this. I am a civil assistant surgeon & physician of a government hospital. I'll tell my view & u may or may not agree with me. In Burma at present days the condition of healthcare is " U may die if u have no money". U may think that it may not true. I'll explain it. If u go to a hospital ( may be private or government) for some complaint ( may be serious or may be not) the on duty doctor ( I am sure) will ask u to buy some necessary things. For eg, if the MO think u are diabetic he may ask u a test-strip to test ur blood glucose level. That's 1 of example. If u have no money to buy it, the MO also have no test-strip to continue further treatment as our ministry of health haven't provide it. So he may give u some treatment with his best guess not knowing ur glucose level. If u continue to be treated like this ( I am sure) ur life expectancy' ll reduce. The best guess of the MO

A Doctor from Burma

The life of a doctor in burma is not easy. It must be started from studying hard from high school final. If he got high mark in that exam, he is sure to get entrance to medical school. To get high marks he has to study regularly the whole year. If he got entrance to medical school he again try hard at the school for about 6 years. ( It may be over that period. As for me I have to stay in school for about 9 years. It is not because of my fault but because of the political situation of my country. I have to wait 2 years to attend the school, again wait for 2 years as my school closed for political instability) After that 9 years I became a doctor! For practising medicine in my country u need a liscence. To get one u have to join government service with a salary of 7500 kyats per month. ( 1 dollar= 1150 kyats) If u don't have a liscence u can't practise. Phew!!!!!! with only about 5 dollar how can a doctor survive!!!! As a government employee u have to work in hospital from 8 in